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Rhinitis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the nose. Patients can experience nasal stuffiness, runny nose, post nasal drip and frequent sneezing. Tens of millions of Americans suffer from these symptoms. Chronic rhinitis can be categorized as allergic and non-allergic.

Allergic rhinitis – commonly known as “hay fever” – is caused by an environmental trigger known as an allergen. The body’s immune system identifies the allergen as a threat, which activates a response to neutralize it. The body releases antibodies which triggers histamine to be activated in the bloodstream.

Non-allergic or vasomotor rhinitis is not caused by the body’s immune system, but due to engorgement of blood vessels in the nose causing congestion.

Both allergic and non-allergic rhinitis creates the myriad of symptoms – nasal congestion, post nasal drip and sneezing.

Common Symptoms of Chronic Rhinitis

  • Persistent runny nose
  • Constant post-nasal drip
  • Excessive nasal congestion
  • Frequent sneezing

Treatment of Chronic Rhinitis

A comprehensive physical examination will be performed, including nasal endoscopy to determine the cause of the rhinitis. CT scan imaging may be obtained to exclude a sinus cause for the rhinitis.  Allergy testing can also be performed to assess allergic causes of rhinitis.

Initial treatment includes oral and topical decongestants, oral and topical antihistamines, oral and topical steroids and nasal anticholinergics to reduce post nasal drip.

When patients fail conservative medical therapy, they may be considered a candidate for a minimally invasive in-office procedure. Our office offers cutting-edge techniques called RhinAer® and Clarifix® for the treatment of chronic rhinitis. RhinAer utilizes low temperature radiofrequency energy to target and reduce overactive nerves that stimulate post-nasal drip. ClariFix utilizes low temperatures to reduce the nerve’s activity. This is performed in the office setting under local anesthesia, avoiding general anesthesia and all the side effects associated with it. This approach allows a faster recovery and the patient can return to work the next day.

Our practice offers comprehensive post nasal drip and chronic rhinitis care including medical management, allergy testing, and in-office procedures (RhinAer/ClariFix) if necessary. For further information, or to book an appointment with one of our physicians contact us at our Plantation (954-476-0400) or Coral Springs (954-796-0400) office.

ENT Sinus and Allergy of South Florida

220 S.W. 84th Ave, Suite 101  •  Plantation, Florida 33324  •  954-476-0400
3100 Coral Hills Drive, Suite 307  •  Coral Springs, Florida 33065  •  954-796-0400
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